WhaleDThanks Season 1
The WhaleDThanks NFT is the creator's way of thanking people for positively and meaningfully interacting with his content on Focus and other social media formats where he is active.
The WhaleDThanks NFT is a heartfelt thank you from the creator for being you.
WhaleDThanks NFT holders will be entitled to one (1) month of a share of 2.5% of the daily $DESO rewards received from staking with @NFTz.
The 2.5% share of staked rewards is only fixed for the month and could go up or down in the following season.
WhaleDThanks will reset every month with a minimum rest period of 5 days. New WhaleDThanks NFTs will be issued in subsequent seasons that will be valid for the daily $DESO drop.
You cannot buy WhaleDThanks and you cannot transfer WhaleDThanks.
Doing either of the above will result in a permanent disqualification from all eligible current and future WhaleDShark drop activities.
Community members thanked might receive more than one NFT across a given month and $DESO distributions will stack with the number of NFTs that are held.
Only 25 WhaleDThanks NFTs will be minted per season (month) and the creator reserves the right to distribute or burn.
The creator reserves the right to distribute WhaleDThanks NFTs independently and subjectively.