
050 is the end and a new beginning in one!

Number 50 holds all the coins that have been made so far.

This first collection started with 3 coins gifted by @justinspannuth.

Therefore it's only fitting to end this collection with 3 coins gifted by @dripcult

The next coin release will be the official CloutCoin!πŸš€πŸŸ πŸš€

After this release there will be a new Native NFT Coin Project dedicated to the OG's of BitClout and all other amazing contributors.
Till then enjoy this last compilation!

As soon as the Native NFT's are implemented the people that have purchased their coin on our opensea link > https://clout.link/🎨🟠
will receive their Native BitClout NFT for free!
(this does not apply the other way around)



July 18, 2021
Stored on
Has Unlockable or download
Has staking rewards
Creator NaN%
Coin / Holder NaN%

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